Please visit this page often as this situation is fluid and changing daily.
Below are updates and resources with links to official information related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Get updated USVI COVID-19 Health Stats
COVID-19 in the USVI

To Sign up for USVI alerts related to the
COVID-19 virus text COVID19USVI to 888777
For current COVID-19 data in the USVI go to:
To request a test call VI Dept of Health call 340-712-6299 (STX) or 340-776-1519 (STT/STJ)
USVI Community Hotline for questions related to COVID-19 call 340-715-6843
For Medical emergencies call 911
Current USVI Response:
There is a State of Emergency in effect. The Territory is currently in
Phase Yellow: Safer At Home
(last updated May 18, 2022)
The following regulations are in effect by order of the Governor of the Virgin Islands.
Source: Executive Orders
Download DLCA’s List of COVID-19 Rules Highlights through the 36th Supplemental Order
*The 36th Supplemental Executive Order was executed on March 14, 2022 and is subject to
change pursuant to further Orders of the Governor of the U.S.V.I. of Public Health Orders of the Commissioner of Health.
Masks or facial coverings are not required to be worn in the Territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands, except:
- in indoor and outdoor spaces at all ports of entry;
- in indoor and outdoor spaces at public, private, and parochial schools; and
- in all hospitals, nursing homes, and healthcare facilities.
Notwithstanding the above, masks or facial coverings do not have to be worn during active exercise, indoor or outdoor.
Businesses may establish their own policies for mask-wearing by employees and customers in their establishment.
Social Distancing
In coordination with the Commissioner of the DOH and in alignment with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), all persons are recommended to maintain social distancing of at least four feet away from other people that are not of their same household, whenever possible. All individuals are urged to continue washing their hands, utilizing hand sanitizer, and practicing proper respiratory etiquette (including coughing into the elbow) as often as possible.
Mass Gatherings
Any event or convening that brings together more than 999 persons in a single room or single space at the same time must obtain approval from the Commissioner of Health or her designee, in addition to any other regulatory agency with jurisdiction, prior to the gathering. “Spaces” shall include but are not limited to an auditorium, stadium, arena, large conference room, meeting hall, theater, restaurant, bar, parking lot, or any other confined indoor or outdoor space. This includes all parades, fairs, campaign events, festivals, and camping on public beaches or parks.
Source: Executive Orders
Download DLCA’s List of COVID-19 Rules Highlights through the 36th Supplemental Order
Business Operations Orders
The following ORDERS shall remain in full force and effect so long as the Territory remains in the State of Emergency declared on March 13, 2020, as amended, supplemented, extended, and renewed unless earlier lifted or until rescinded or superseded by another applicable Executive Order by the Governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands:
Athletic Facilities
Businesses such as wellness centers, fitness centers, gyms, tennis courts, and golf courses shall operate in accordance with their business licenses and permits, and the following additional conditions:
- All equipment must be properly sanitized before and after each use and not shared.
- The overall facility must be sanitized regularly throughout the day.
- Hand sanitizer must be provided for all patrons entering the establishment.
Personal Grooming Services
Businesses such as barbershops, hair salons, nail salons, massage therapists shall operate in accordance with their business licenses and permits, as limited by Section 1 of this ORDER, and the following additional conditions:
- All equipment, furniture, and counters are disinfected after use with each client, and the facility is sanitized regularly throughout the day.
- Hand sanitizer must be provided for all patrons entering the establishment.
Nursing Homes:
Visitation to nursing homes is permitted with negative covid test within 72 hours or proof of vaccination administered pursuant to the guidance from DOH, the World Health Organization, or the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Landlord Tennant Matters:
The provisions of Title 28, Chapter 13, Section 281 and Chapter 13, Sections 75l (b), 782(a) of the Virgin Islands Code, and any other laws relating to landlord-tenant actions and establishing the right of actions to recover possession of real property, demand for rent, or forceable entry and detainer are hereby suspended, until July 31 2022, for those parties who meet all of the following criteria:
- the Tenant is being evicted for financial reasons or nonpayment of rental fees;
- the Tenant has been financially impacted by COVID-19; and
- the Landlord or Tenant has a pending Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) Application with the Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority.
There shall be no increase in rental fees allowed for residential and commercial property leaseholds or tenancies at-will, effective March 13, 2020, and so long as the Territory remains in the State of Health Emergency unless earlier lifted by order of the Governor of the United States Virgin Islands.
Tourism and Travel
Travel to the United States Virgin Islands
All travelers, by sea or by air, are required to comply with any “Travelers Advisory” posted by the V.I. Department of Health, V.I. Department of Tourism, and the V.I. Port Authority, including but not limited to the wearing of facial coverings, temperature scan, testing, and quarantine.
Facial coverings shall be required to be worn at all times on board all public transportation ferries between alt islands in or entering the Territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Every person who travels to or enters the Territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands, before boarding the aircraft or vessel, must present one of the following:
- a COVID-19 negative PCR or antigen test result obtained within 5-days of commencement of travel to the U.S. Virgin Islands, OR
- a vaccination card showing completed COVID-19 vaccination administered in the U.S. Virgin Islands as approved by the Department of Health.
Effective March 7, 2022, a vaccination card showing completed COVID-19 vaccination administered outside the U.S. Virgin Islands pursuant to the guidance from the World Health Organization or the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Refer to for the most current information as travel requirements are subject to change.
Executive Orders provide more detail on the current status and allowed business operations
- View all current US Virgin Islands Executive Orders and Guidance for Businesses
Business Resources Related to Coronavirus

For details on funding sources and options> SBA Coronavirus Relief Options

SBDC staff is working with the local SBA to provide necessary resources.
VI SBDC staff is available by email at or telephone at 1-340-693-1694 ext 5104.
Visit the VI SBDC Facebook page for video resources.
USVI Department of Labor/Unemployment Information
The Dept of Labor is now providing online applications for Unemployment on their website at . They are requesting that businesses have a representative from your establishment call the Agency before notices of separation are issued so that they can be aware of how many people can be expected to file for unemployment assistance and other services.
They will also have a drop box for physical applications for those who are not able to fill out the application online.
Unemployment Insurance (UI) Employer Best Practices
Any employer that needs to reduce hours, give furloughs, layoffs or possible reduction in hours, the VIDOL is requesting that employers do the following:
- Send a letter to the Office of the Commissioner that includes the names of the affected employees in advance of the reduction of hours to twenty (20) a week, discharge or layoff.
- Contact the Department of Labor directly at the following numbers:
- St Thomas 340-776-3700 extensions 2013 or 2035
- St Croix 340-773-1994 extensions 2152 or 2154
- Timely file your quarterly reports. The filing of quarterly reports is necessary to assure persons receive the correct unemployment compensation.
- Send a notice to the employee with the reason for the separation before reducing in hours, discharge or layoff.
On St. Thomas/St. John
US Virgin Islands Departments & Resources
Official CoronavirusReference Sites
- CDC: Coronavirus and Travel in the United States
- Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Map
- World Health Organization (WHO): Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
US Virgin Islands Official Reference Sites
- Virgin Islands Department of Health (VIDOH) COVID-19
- VITEMA (Virgin Islands Territorial Management Association)
- VIDOH Information for Travelers
- Virgin Islands Department of Tourism COVID-19 Updates
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) & BIR Updates
For information, call 340-773-1040 on St. Croix and 340-774-1040 on St. Thomas. Use the following extensions and email address for specific needs:
- Audit Division – St. Croix extension is 4233 and St. Thomas extension is 2271, or send an email to
- Delinquent Accounts and Returns – St. Croix extension is 4254 and St. Thomas extension is 2232, or send an email to
- Processing – St. Croix number is 340-712-2513 and St. Thomas extension is 2223, or send an email to
- Excise Division – St. Croix number is 340-778-1021 and St. Thomas extension is 3201, or send an email to
- Director’s Office – St. Croix extension is 4225 and St. Thomas extension is 4225, or send an email to
The Bureau of Internal Revenue website is
FEMA Response and Resources
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response
OSHA Guidance Resources related to COVID-19
USVI Department of Human Services
Cash, Food and Energy Assistance Programs Ready to Help Through Uncertain Times with Telephone Interviews and Relaxed Federal Guidelines. Learn more about SNAP
CDC Guidance
The CDC has compiled some excellent guidance for business owners: Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers, Plan, Prepare and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019
Other important CDC links:
- COVID-19 Website
- What You Need to Know About COVID-19pdf icon
- What to Do If You Are Sick With COVID-19pdf icon
- Interim US Guidance for Risk Assessment and Public Health Management of Persons with
- Health Alert Network
- Travelers’ Health Website
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s Small Business International Travel Resource Travel Plannerpdf icon