On Saturday, April 6th, 2019, the V.I. Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Council (DVSAC) co-sponsored ‘A Getting Happy Hour’ with author and speaker, Milagros Romero, in her healing workshop and book launch of ‘The Muted Cage’.

In recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Milagros – a survivor of both child abuse and sexual violence – facilitated a workshop for attendees based on ‘The Muted Cage’ which explains her experiences with violence as a child into adulthood and how she overcame the trauma through forgiveness, healing, personal responsibility and empowerment. The workshop included creative writing exercises, art and sharing of personal experiences amongst the participants – one of whom stated in response to the workshop ‘many thanks for the blessing that was bestowed upon us’ (survivor and ‘Muted Cage’ workshop attendee).
According to Davoelene Baetens-Trusty, DVSAC’s St. John Community Outreach Specialist, in her response to Milagros and other survivors present, ‘Thank you for lending a voice and giving your precious time to yourself and others. As we continue our walk in life please know that you all continue to be a part of something better than this ugly thing that infects our lives, communities, homes and hearts.’ In addition to the event that was hosted on St. Croix, a duplicate event was also hosted on St. John on Sunday, March 31st in honor of Women’s History Month and to kick-off April’s awareness activities.
Many thanks to the attendees for their courage in ‘showing up’ and much gratitude is extended to the St. John Foundation for co-hosting this event on St. John. To schedule an event on St. John or to collaborate with DVSAC, please email davoelene@vidvsac.net .For more information on Milagros Romero or to purchase a copy of ‘The Muted Cage’, please email millymiracles77@aol.com.
About Milagros – Author & Workshop Facilitator: The author, Milagros Romero, is a passionate woman, a community activist, whose drive has always been writing to heal, even from very early in life. She has dedicated her life to helping children, youth and women to empower themselves to live their best life possible.
‘In spite of the hardship, affliction, and all the scars left behind…I am still here, making a difference and living my best life. I won!’
– Milagros ‘LotusBeYouTy’ Romero

On Sunday, April 7th, 2019, the V.I. Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Council (DVSAC) and the V.I. Cycling Federation (VICF) hosted their fifth annual ‘Ride Out Against Sexual Assault’ in recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month! Starting and ending at the DVSAC office in Sion Farm, the federation and supporters of the cause cycled throughout Peter’s Rest, Beeston Hill and the Christiansted Bypass for an estimated eight (8) miles.
Participant registrations raised over $300 this year contributing to over $1,000 in donations to DVSAC and more than 150 particpatory cycling hours in honor of sexual assault prevention since the inception of the collaboration. Registrants receive a t-shirt annually and this year’s teal shirt states ‘I Stand With You’ and features an island with a teal ribbon for sexual assault awareness month.
The organizations have already confirmed Thursday, April 2nd, 2020 as the date for the 6th annual Ride Against Sexual Assault pending clearance from the V.I. Police Department who provides escort services for this awareness activity.
To participate in this annual event or to collaborate with DVSAC, please email info@vidvsac.net. For more information on upcoming events with the V.I. Cycling Federation, please email vicfsecretary@gmail.com
About DVSAC: The VI Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Council (DVSAC) was formed by founding members on each island of St. Croix, St. Thomas and St. John in 1997 to address oppression and systems advocacy. In 2013, DVSAC became an independent organization and is recognized as the State/Territorial Coalition by the National Office on Violence Against Women and the Department of Health & Human Services. DVSAC aims to promote healthy relationships within our community by coordinating education and
awareness resources that advocate for the elimination of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and dating violence in the USVI territory to end domestic violence and sexual assault through prevention education!