The VIPD reminds businesses that the holiday season has arrived which means restaurants and stores may have a bit more foot traffic and cash on-hand which often results in an uptick in crime. Robbers target restaurants and stores with lax security and untrained employees. As business owners and managers, you are encouraged to stay alert and practice the following safety and security tips.
Below are 15 tips and reminders from the VIPD to provide a safe, secure, and profitable holiday season.
- Never open or close the business alone.
- Use the buddy system, always have at least two employees work together.
- Develop a phone message system with surrounding businesses.
- Ensure all locks, alarms, video cameras, and other electronics are tested and working properly.
- Review cash handling policies, procedures, and expectations with employees.
- Periodically remove extra cash from the registers and put into the safe.
- Ensure deposits are taken to the bank before dark.
- Inspect currency for counterfeit.
- Ensure parking lots have ample lighting during the holiday season or set outside lighting timers for at least one hour after closing.
- Reduce marketing materials or holiday decorations on or near windows and doors.
- Remove overgrown bushes which may obstruct views from the street.
- Control and monitor all backdoor deliveries and openings.
- Before closing, inspect restrooms and storage areas for anyone left behind or hiding.
- Make sure employees know how to react during or after a robbery.
- Pay attention when you see a suspicious person, you may be asked for a description later. Hats, shoes, other articles of clothing, any tattoos you can see, may all be helpful to police.

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