While our community faces many challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic that has not only affected the Territory of the US Virgin Islands, but the entire globe, many of our St Croix Chamber Members have stepped up to the challenge through innovation and collaboration.
While accommodations are closed to new bookings through at least April 30th, many of our local Hotels and Accommodations are hosting Government and Relief Workers and those here on essential business in the Territory.
Sion Farm Distillery, Home of MUTINY Island vodka once again showed off their innovation by producing breadfruit alcohol + Aloe hand sanitizer, filling a much needed void in the islands. In addition they are collaborating on the project with other Chamber Members:

Leatherback Brewing Company has jumped in to help by using their fermenters to increase capacity and productivity. Sion Farm is producing the hand sanitizer for commercial businesses and to be distributed to local stores via Caribbean Crafted. Businesses should contact orders@caribbeancrafted.com to set up an account, add you to their mailing list and provide more detail.
Hand sanitizer gallons can be purchased at Plaza Extra East, Plaza Extra West and other local stores.

Cultured Naturals Body Care is also using Sion Farm’s breadfruit alcohol to create personal hand sanitizer available by pre-order at their Christiansted shop. Their sanitizing products are germ fighting with a 70% alcohol strength which makes it very effective in killing microbes . Nurse, Ramone Reid, created this product to help mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 Virus , She also noted how many persons were being impacted emotionally by the situation and decided to couple aromatherapy with her hand sanitizer products. $9.99/8oz bottle. Call 340-626-8232 to pre-order. Business inquires email culturednaturalsbc@gmail.com
Glass 2000 Inc. stepped up quickly to get shields installed at Plaza Extra West to protect customers and employees at registers.
Plaza Extra West has also been providing hand-washing stations outside of the store and offers shopping hours exclusively for seniors on Mondays from 6:30 AM-10 AM.
Many of our Chamber Chamber Members are offering take-out meals to keep operations going. We recommend visiting their facebook pages regularly for updates
- Leatherback Brewing Company https://www.facebook.com/LeatherbackBrewing/
- Eat at Fred https://www.facebook.com/SleepWithFred/
- Un Amore – led the way with family meals https://www.facebook.com/unamorestx/
- CHOP Bar & Grill https://www.facebook.com/chop.usvi/
- Brew STX & Shupe’s on the Boardwalk https://www.facebook.com/shupesontheboardwalk/ pick up from Shupe’s
- The New Deep End Bar & Grille https://www.facebook.com/newdeepend/
icycle St Croix is providing bike rentals for members and online classes

Plessen Healthcare LLC has been at the forefront of the COVID-19 pandemic providing timely press releases with information on changing protocols and ways for the community to stay safe. They have also pioneered telemedicine in the Territory prior to the outbreak but have since stepped up those services to include regular visits with local professionals as well through their easy to use Kareo app. Telemedicine visits are covered by CIGNA, United Healthcare, and Medicare
with affordable self-pay rates. Appointments can be made by calling 340-715-7720 or email myhealth@plessenhealthcare.com

Neighborhood Pharmacy is continuing operations (including FREE delivery) with restricted access. Currently they are operating drive-thru only for prescription pick-up. For customers not using a vehicle, a pharmacy associate will assist you from the front door for your safety. They continue to promote and advise on space restrictions to limit potential exposure. Delivery and mail are an option as well in case you do not want to come out or if you are at risk.
Call Neighborhood Pharmacy at 340-718-6784 for any questions or text 340-626-4333
Banks and Financial Institutions:
Many local lenders are participating in the SBA – Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Chamber Member banks include Bank of St Croix, Banco Popular and FirstBank Virgin Islands.
Click on the links below to visit their COVID-19 resource pages for more information.
Visit our Chamber COVID-19 Resources page for more information on SBA funding
- Caribbean Centers for Boys & Girls has a variety of online activities for youth posted to their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CCBGVI/
- The Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands has compiled a list of resources available to members of our community: https://cfvi.net/resources-information-covid-19-response/
- St George Village Botanical Garden has been posting weekly video shorts “In the Garden with Dewey” highlighting a different area of the Garden on their SGVBG Facebook Page
- Women’s Coalition of St Croix have posted some great library, museum and things to do with the kids resources on their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WCSTX/
- Westcare – The Village has posted resources for teens and adults for coping strategies and support groups https://www.facebook.com/thevillageVI
Early on Chamber Member Limetree Bay responded to the pandemic locally by updating protocols and activating their Incident Command Center and team.